温州 n. Wenzhou。
former adj. 旧时的;以前的,前……;(两者中)前者的n. 模子,模型;形成某事的人
感觉 v. feel; sense; perceive; experience; be aware of。
sustainable adj. (计划、方法、体制)可持续的,持续性的;(自然资源)可持续的,不破坏环
transaction n. 交易,买卖,业务;(学术团体会议的)议事录,公报;(人与人之间的)交流,相
unicef abbr. 联合国儿童基金会(United Nations Internatio
核 n. nucleus; core; kernel; stone。v. check; verify;
滞留 n. retention; hold-up; stagnation; delay; backlog。
下册 n. second volume; second part; lower volume; latte
buffet n. 自助餐;快餐部,点心柜;<美>餐具架,餐具柜;<旧>打击;<苏格兰>矮凳,
为 prep. for; to; toward。v. support; stand for; do; a
脏 adj. dirty; filthy; messy; manky; mucky; grubby。n.
冀 n. Ji (another name for Hebei Province)。v. hope; d
菜谱 n. menu; cookbook; recipe book; cookery book; bill
至于 phr. as for; as to; as regards; with regard to; wi